Friday, March 25, 2011


(From my archive...)

NOTE: the poem is dedicated to all the pregnant
mothers of the world, who are living in war torn
regions... be it civil war or else military led war...

The day he was conceived
He heard the sound of a bomb
Inside his mother's womb
Shaken but safe inside
He grows hearing bullets
Missing narrowly pass his mother

He is yet to open his eyes
Mind you!
He is still to develop
The way one thinks
He has not even breathed
The polluted air of the world

He will know later
How his mother had struggled
Running almost everywhere
Saving him from bullets
Bombs, hunger and the world
To understand life

Unlike humans in the world
He finally arrives
His resume reads
Nine months experience
As he open his eyes
Crying out aloud!

His cry is misunderstood
His mother smiles at last
She shuts her eyes, as he opens his
Having survived bombs and bullets
Without mother, now he has to save his life
With just nine months experience

Johnny D
24th August 2009

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