Monday, May 19, 2014


बिख़र कर फूल अपने शाख़ों से,
'डी' पड़े हैं ज़मीन पर गगन तले। 
मैं भी एक दिन बिख़र जाऊँगा,
इन फूलों सा यूँ ही गगन तले।।

--- जॉनी 'डी' ---
१ ८ मई २ ० १ ४    

Friday, May 9, 2014


Demonic myth.
Revered by the world.
Mother image shattered.

--- Johnny D ---
10th May 2014

Thursday, May 8, 2014


Closed door.
Destiny overrules destinies.
Love waits.


--- Johnny D ---
7th May 2014

Saturday, May 3, 2014


Unleashing drops of perfume
To fall from above
Kiss of the Sky-Earth
Spreads in air
The fragrance of bliss!

Roasted, soaked in love
Air spreads love of kiss
Longing turns into embrace
Miles and miles away
The passion spreads!

You and I lips locked
Moments stopped
Bliss O’ God!
The longing never stops
I do! I do! Do you?

--- Johnny D ---
3rd May 2014’

Friday, May 2, 2014

You are Divine !

Intoxicated by your embrace
The fragrance of roasted soil
Oh Mother Nature...
You are Divine ! You are Divine !

--- Johnny D ---
2nd May 2014
9.50 pm